How to quickly relieve and treat a toothache.
Definition of toothache
Dental surgeons speak of “pulpitis” and not of toothache. It is the inflammation of the nerve, of the pulp of the tooth or rather of the vascular-nervous bundle, which is caused by deep decay. Toothache is a violent, sharp, unbearable pain, sometimes throbbing, which has several causes.
Its main causes
- PULPITIS: inflammation of the nerve
- NECROSE: necrotic nerve
- DENTAL ABSCESS is formed after the stage of necrosis
What kind of toothache do you suffer from?
Depending on the origin of the toothache, the remedies will not be the same. So in the presence of a toothache, it is necessary to know the cause and make a differential diagnosis.
If the cold the heat causes or increases the pain, it is about pulpitis, an attack of the nerves.
If the cold, the heat does not cause pain, and if the cold tends to calm the toothache, it is certainly pulp necrosis or an abscess. The diagnosis of the abscess is easy to highlight; it is accompanied by swelling of the painful area.
If you have food stuck between two teeth, it is a food jam, very easy to remove.
What is pulpitis?
This is the first stage of damage to the nerve of the tooth. This intense pain alerts the person that a tooth has deep decay, the enamel is destroyed, the dentin is attacked, and the nerve is inflamed. Pulpitis is mainly triggered:
- In contact with cold or hot air, hot or cold food or drinks
- During certain body positions, particularly the lying position, the blood “goes up to the head” and facilitates the blood pressure, amplifying inflammation.
- During the absorption of sugary foods or drinks.
- Certain foods that become lodged in caries’ cavity exert pressure when chewing, triggering toothache or pulpitis.
- you may have a toothache at night, as the warmth of the pillow increases local inflammation
How to relieve a toothache caused by pulpitis yourself?
If your dentist cannot see you immediately, follow these few recommendations and remedies.
- Avoid hot and cold in all its forms, food, drinks, ambient air
- Avoid lying down, raise your head, and do not put the side of the painful cheek against a pillow, as this increases local temperature and increases toothache.
- Avoid eating on the painful side; rinse your mouth immediately after meals with an antiseptic mouthwash, extra, or plural.
- Take a paracetamol tablet.
- Apply cloves because they contain eugenol, an active substance with the characteristic smell that one detects as soon as one crosses the door of a dental office.
How to use the clove? By crushing it, applying it to the painful tooth, or chewing a clove three to four times a day.
How to treat a toothache caused by pulpitis by a dentist?
It is necessary to consult a dental surgeon who will have to remove the nerve. It is a devitalization. For this, he puts the tooth to sleep with local anesthesia; it is the only solution because the nerve killer is now prohibited.
He digs the tooth until he reaches the nerve, then, with the help of a nerve puller, pulls it out and replaces the vacant space with an antiseptic paste. The tooth is dead but will never be more sensitive to cold or warm.
It is the extreme result of a toothache. If the cavity is not too close to the nerve, the practitioner can only remove the cavity, put on a protective dressing and then close the tooth with a permanent filling.
What is necrosis?
This is the second stage, the consequence of untreated pulpitis. The nerve has undergone constant and repeated inflammation, so that it has become necrotic. That is to say, that it has broken down from it. Even. This causes an organic decomposition of the nerve, gas gangrene. The gases produced by this gangrene develop in a closed place, the tooth’s root, and therefore cannot escape and cause pressure.
Pulp necrosis causes acute and constant suffering, even without contact with hot, cold or sugar, differentiating it from pulpitis. And sometimes, cold calms the pain.
Relieve toothache due to necrosis or dental abscess yourself.
- If the cheek is swollen with intense pain, it is better to consult your dentist because there is an infection, and without antibiotics, the toothache is not likely to subside.
- If the cheek is warm but not swollen, ice can be applied in a washcloth to the cheek.
- Take an Ibuprofen 400
Treat a toothache caused by pulp necrosis by your practitioner.
The dental surgeon digs the cavity until reaching the pulp chamber without the need for anesthesia because the tooth is no longer alive; you just have to leave the tooth open so that the gases produced by this gangrene can escape. In general, we are immediately relieved.
What is a dental abscess?
This is the third stage. If the necrosis has not been treated, it will form a pocket of pus that cannot be evacuated. If this pocket is not pierced and drained, constant suffering day and night will manifest.
An untreated dental abscess can harm the body, as the infection can spread to nearby tissues and lead to sepsis in the worst case.
The neighboring tissues are swollen, distended, red, and purplish.
For tooth abscess pain relief fast visit Virginia dental care.
Treat a toothache caused by a dental abscess by a dental surgeon.
The dental surgeon digs the tooth until reaching the pulp chamber without anesthesia and leaves the tooth open so that the pus can flow out. The suffering fades very quickly because the intrapulpal pressure decreases.
What is food stuffing?
This is the most innocuous cause of all toothaches because it will suffice to eliminate what is stuck in the tooth or between two teeth and to clean the painful area with an antiseptic solution. Then, either you manage it with a sharp object, a toothpick or a dental jet, or all you have to do is consult your dental surgeon so that he can eliminate the food stuck between two teeth. Septum syndrome is a form of alveolar osteitis affecting the interdental septum.
Diagnosis: Food stuffing causes significant, throbbing, throbbing discomfort occurring especially after eating, bleeding gums at the papilla level during probing, and pain exacerbated by the spray at the point of contact.
How to calm a toothache in the middle of the night, whatever the cause?
In the middle of the night, you will have to rely only on yourself in the absence of a dentist and pharmacy. And like most people, you have no specific remedies for toothache; you will have to do the following.
- Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water and an antiseptic solution, such as Hextril, and gently brush the painful side of your teeth.
- Apply a washcloth with ice cubes inside and apply it to the cheek on the painful side
- Absorb a dose of paracetamol, Efferalgan or other classic painkillers like Advil.
- Crush a clove and try to apply it directly to the tooth that is hurting you.
What to do to avoid toothache?
There is only one solution. Have rigorous hygiene, brush your teeth after each meal in the evening to prevent acids from forming during the night, avoid acidic drinks, and strengthen your teeth with toothpaste. The unbearable toothaches can then be avoided, as well as gingivitis.
You should know that barely 5% of people are free of cavities, with good or bad hygiene. It is an enigma for science, perhaps a special gene that protects them from this ancestral evil.
During the previous centuries, the oral state was deplorable; at the time of royalty, for example, the teeth were in unimaginable disrepair because the dentists were not working yet; there were only tooth pullers.
It was not uncommon to be toothless at the age of 30, and to hide his deplorable dental state, the fan hiding his mouth was constantly used; it was not a coquetry or a fashion, but a way to hide this misery.
Toothache and devitalization
Since the beginning of the 20th century, dental care has evolved considerably under the influence of precursors, such as FAUCHARD, who laid the first stones of treatments that are still current. Toothaches have become less frequent; the ultimate goal of care is to avoid unbearable toothaches.
But the reluctance of people to seek treatment for fear of the dental practice or for lack of financial means has resulted of having an upsurge in toothache in these times of crisis, neglect, and the health post of precarious people goes to the second plan, despite the initiatives of associations or a few volunteer practitioners.
A few years ago, dentists, in the presence of a patient with a toothache, would put a “nerve killer” on him, but as explained above, the “necro” or nerve killer is now prohibited; it is no longer part of the dentist’s panoply. Instead, it was a very small arsenic-based dental dressing that was placed closest to the nerve so that this arsenic dressing would kill the nerve slowly. It usually took a week or so.
But this technique had two major drawbacks. On the one hand, the tooth was not devitalized instantly. And on the other hand, it sometimes happened that these dressings triggered excruciating pain. It was, therefore, necessary to start from scratch.
The nerve is immediately devitalized with powerful local anesthetics, so you should not wait to consult your dental surgeon. In addition, a toothache never calms down on its own, so there is no need to suffer.
Action mechanism
Toothache or pain is physiologically a signal that the nerve sends to the brain to indicate something is wrong. In this case, the toothache is created by abnormal pressure in the blood vessels created by nerve inflammation, just like headaches are created by too much intracranial pressure.
When the caries is at stage 1, there is no pain. Because the enamel does not have nerves and therefore does not perceive pain.
In stage 2, the dentin is attacked, and through its dentinal tubules, pain can be produced by external elements.
At stage 3, the pulp chamber is attacked; it is then the realm of toothache.
When the carious lesion reaches the nerve, inflammation occurs. And as it spreads in a vacuum, there is pressure in the micro blood vessels, accelerating toothache.
Nowaday, it must be recognized that 21st-century general dentistry services no longer resembles the dentistry practiced at the beginning of the century. Practitioners are increasingly using loco-regional anesthesia in order to treat teeth without pain. Therefore if you take minimum care of your teeth and visit your dentist at least once a year as recommended. Toothache should be eradicated except in the event exceptional.